The Sedra: Val Cartek

Ash Morgan
3 min readOct 11, 2022


Part 5

(If you missed Part 4…)

After snagging another piece of date bread from Tival, Uyo went out in search of the opportunity that Ventis, at least, believed awaited. Despite lacking a destination, Uyo was soon wandering among the stalls and shops of the bazaar. Most days, the cacophony of sights and sounds and smells overwhelmed them. Today, encumbered by the sedra, it was as though everything was covered in a dense fog, dimming the bright-colored awnings, dulling the fragrant cooking spices, deadening the merchants’ calls. Uyo was lulled into a walking sleep.

A loud crack cut through the sameness of it all and startled Uyo back to wakefulness. Uyo looked around to try to locate the source of the sound.

“Good day, young seeker!” cried the merchant of a nearby shop when Uyo’s gaze passed over her. “I am called Val Cartek. What do you seek? If I have it, we can strike a fair bargain. If I don’t have it, I will acquire it.”

“I seek to be free of the sedra,” Uyo said, walking over to the merchant.

“Ah…putting my claim to the test from the start, eh, young seeker?” the merchant said with a rueful chuckle. “My travels have taken me to the four corners of Erhë and most places in between. Never have I encountered anything that could dispel the sedra.”

Disappointed, but not surprised, Uyo turned to leave.

“Believe me that I long looked for such an instrument,” the merchant called after them. “You see my own child was likewise burdened.”

Turning back, Uyo asked, “How did they get rid of it?”

“They — didn’t.” said the merchant dropping her gaze to the cobblestones.


“Still, young seeker, my search did bear some fruit. I acquired this very staff during my travels in the East. The wood is k­orhi,” said the merchant, offering the staff she held to Uyo.

Uyo took the staff and was surprised by its heft. The wood was as smooth as any river stone and its honey-gold hue seemed to magnify any light that touched it. A bird that Uyo didn’t recognize was carved into the top and at the bottom was a cap of black iron.

“Strike it with intention against the cobblestones.”

Uyo did as the merchant bid and recognized the loud crack that had earlier caught their attention.

“And the sedra?” inquired the merchant.

“It’s — gone?” Uyo said, half a question, half a description.

“It will return. Stronger than before. Each time it returns, it will be harder for the staff to disrupt it and its absence will be shorter. Still, you will have relief for a time.”

“How much is it?”

“In truth, the staff is nearly priceless, but for you, young seeker, I will part with it for a single golden calder. Because you remind me of my own sweet — ” said the merchant before emotion overtook her.

Uyo paid the merchant and walked back towards home, smiling for the first time in two days.

When Uyo was out of sight, Val Cartek pulled out another korhi staff and struck it against the cobblestones, calling out, “What do you seek? If I have it, we can strike a fair bargain. If I don’t have it, I will acquire it. Tell me, what do you seek?”

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Continue with Part 6!

