An Instrument for Dying

Ash Morgan
1 min readMar 6, 2023


© 2023 Ash Morgan (via Starryai)

Listen to the audio and join the conversation on Substack: An Instrument for Dying.

Why do we die?
Because we get old.

Why do we die?
Because we get sick.

Why do we die?
Because we are poor.

Why do we die?
Because we are stuck.

Why do we die?
Because we fail to notice.

Why do we die?
Because we are unnourished.

Why do we die?
Because we cannot put the
pieces back together.

Why do we die?
Because we disconnect.

Why do we die?
Because we cannot see
how we could live.

Why do we die?
Because our sweat alone
cannot create an oasis
in a desert.

Why do we die?
Because we silence our

Why do we die?
Because reactions are-
too often-
opposite and unequal.

Why should I die?
So that we might live.

For Carol, on her birthday. (Which, I know, might seem an odd choice, but if you know her, you’ll know that she enjoyed it very much. 😊)

Why do we die?

I’m curious how and what you would add to this list. Let me know in the comments!

